Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back to Life, Back to Reality...

I'm officially back to work.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my class and have really enjoyed getting acclimated to third grade.  My book bag is packed with lots of work for this weekend and I intend to get started on it soon.  However, my first order of business is getting organized here at home - starting with meal planning and grocery shopping.

I wrote a lengthy post about my meal planning process/procedure here,Recipe Linky Party.  My friend and I never got around to making casseroles before school started, but have it on our calendars for next month.  Last Monday I sat down and mapped out meals for September - all easy things that I can cook (mostly) from memory and don't take a lot of ingredients.  I needed to check one thing for my enchilada recipe and stumbled upon the coolest thing for a meal planner, like me.  Check out Meal Planning Made Simple.  I didn't have a whole lot of time to play around on it, but was able to plan out my month of meals through their calendar system.  It looks like I can browse their recipes, add them to future calendars and link up the recipes to a shopping list.  Time will tell, but just to have the neat calendar was enough to rock my world.  The best part is the whole thing is FREE!

Since I mentioned enchiladas and have the recipe pulled up, here's the link to get to Campbell's Kitchen.  Search for Easy Chicken Cheese Enchiladas for a quick and easy recipe this week!

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